I thought I was out of the woods with mischievious Kaipo and climbing out of his crib, but a couple weeks ago he started doing it again. Now everytime he wakes up, he gets out of his bed, with no problem or injury (thank goodness). On top of that, he has also figured out how to undo the safety knob covers. So not only is he out of his bed, but he is also out of his room. Which at nap time is no big deal, but at all hours of the night and early morning, not soo good. Mostly because I don't want him roaming the house while the rest of us are asleep, getting into trouble or even worse something potentially dangerous. It wouldn't bother me so much if he was just out of bed at 5:30-6am, as long as he stays in his room and plays, so at least I don't have to get up that early (since quinn has already left for work).
So I was wondering if anyone has seen any other kinds of knob covers besides the brand Safety !st, which come as two seperate pieces that snap together. I know with Ame I had some covers that were one piece and just slid on the door. Unfortunately, I don't have them any more. I have searched high and low, but only find the same brand every where I go. If anyone has seen or knows where to get the one piece covers PLEASE let me know.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
What to do????
Posted by britt at 5:49 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Ame had so much fun! On Christmas Day while we were down in Orem visiting family for the day- her aunties, Heather and Ashlyn, took her & her cousin sledding. As you can see, she was even brave enough to go down the hill all by herself.
Posted by britt at 12:25 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Ame's Big Day to Shine
Ame' had her first talk today. We started working on it at the beginning of the week. Within 2 days she had it memorized. She did an outstanding job and was very confident in her presentation. Of course we were PROUD parents. Here's a view of her practice performance at home.
Posted by britt at 7:09 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
House in progress
For those who may not know, we are in the process of building a home in Riverdale, UT.
We haven't been very good about taking "progress pictures" and so last night when we took my dad and brother by to see the house I snapped a few. It was nighttime so the picture is a bit dark, but you can get an idea of how far along they are in building. We are very excited to move, especially because we like to area, already know our neighbors and are in the ward. Plus, the fact that it is the FIRST home we have built. Quinn has even confessed this is somewhere we could stay for a long time. For him to even admit that is comforting. I SURE hope so. We are in the process of picking out countertops, carpet, tile, light fixtures, etc. Fun, but overwhelming at the same time. We will keep an update of our home and its progress, periodically.
Posted by britt at 11:24 AM 2 comments
Monday, December 04, 2006
A Little Reunion

Posted by britt at 12:37 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
First Big Snow!
Posted by britt at 7:29 AM 4 comments
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Ame was really into Thanksgiving this year. She wanted to help with everything, from baking to table setting. She even made little turkey place settings for everyone. It was so fun to see her interest and curiosity, as she learned more and more about Thanksgiving, the traditions and the reason for this Holiday.
Friday night we met my aunt in salt lake and all went to eat and had planned to go to Temple Square. Unfortunately not all of us made it there. After eating we went to our cars to get all bundled up, so we could ride trax to the temple. Well, as we were walking through the parking lot, lets just say Kaipo's dinner must not have agreed with him because it ALL came up. We decided we should just take him home, so my parents took Ame and we left. We were really bummed to have to leave, but I guess I should be thankful he didn't throw up in the car or after we were on the train to the temple, right?! AMe and my parents had a great time despite the cold. A quick story about something Ame said on their visit to temple sq. After walking around and seeing the lights they wanted to go inside & see the big statue of Jesus, but it was soo crowded so they didn't get to. But my mom was asking Ame were Jesus really is. She replied, "He is in Heaven, AND somewhere else. My mom curiously asked, where else? Ame said, "In your heart." Thats my girl!
Posted by britt at 8:23 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 20, 2006
Well my little mischevious boy has hit another milestone,
but this one I wish he never discovered. Today I put him
down for a nap and went to the garage to vacuum the car.
A few minutes later Ame came out and said kaipo's light
is one and I think he is out of his bed. I said, "What?"
She replied, "I guess he remembered what I taught him."
Sometime last week she told me they were playing in his
crib (don't ask me why) and she taught him how to climb out of his crib, or I think she climbed out and he watched very carefully! Either way, when I walked in his room he was playing with some toys on the floor. I got mad at him and put him back in his crib, and he did actually go to sleep this time. But......I didn't have this problem with Ame and I wasn't planning on putting Kaipo in a bed yet. I guess I will see if this is a one time thing or if he tries it again, before I make any drastic changes. Any suggestions?
Posted by britt at 12:30 PM 3 comments
Sunday, November 19, 2006
New Ward
Since we moved to Ogden we have been debating where we want to attend church, our ward in this area or the ward in Riverdale (where we are building our house). We decided, mostly for the kids sake, to start attending the Riverdale Ward, rather than have to switch wards again in 3 or 4 months. That was the best decision we could have made. I love the ward! It is really the first ward (besides our Maui ward) that we really liked and felt instantly connected. I went to Enrichment this past week and met some very fun girls. There are like 5 or 6 other girls having babies within a month or 2 of me. There are tons of young families, and some older ( a good balance), so we are really excited. The kids seems to be adjusting and liking it as well. Unfortunately-Kaipo already seems to be the bully in nursery. On a positive note, there are lots of little girls in that ward, perfect for Ame.
We will post some pics of our house, once more than the foundation is done.
Posted by britt at 5:18 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Disney on Ice
Last Thursday Ame and I went with her cousin, Ella, and my sister-in-law, Haruko to Disney on Ice. We got the tickets for Ella's birthday. I am soo glad I did it, cuz we had SOO much fun. The girls of course were beyond excited! Ame was singing and dancing the whole time. Unfortunately this is the only picture I took, before we went in. Someone in the parking lot, told us you can't take cameras in. Well there were plenty of people flashing theirs. Quinn's sister had her camera phone and took some pics, but told me afterwards she didn't know how to get them off her phone and email them. So maybe one day I will get to see them.
Posted by britt at 1:35 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Two in One
Posted by britt at 3:12 PM 3 comments
Friday, November 10, 2006
Any ideas?
I have began to think about Christmas Cards ( I don't know if any of you have or maybe you are way past me already). I want to do something creative and am wondering if anyone has come across any websites or ideas they want to share. Last year we got soo many cute, creative ideas and I don't feel very creative these days! I would appreciate any ideas that come my way.
Posted by britt at 9:41 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Baby News!
Posted by britt at 8:44 PM 2 comments
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Hula girl
Here is Ame all ready for Hula Class. She was in another class for a short time, when we lived in Orem, but then we moved so she hasn't taken for a while. We started her again, when we moved up here, in what seems to be a better class. The class is actually in Layton, so it is at least a 20 minute drive, which some days causes a bit of a challenge with traffic and picking quinn up from work. Also, somedays we have to bribe her cause she is being lazy and she says it is hard to practice and she gets too tired. I really hope she begins to enjoy it and will continue for a long time. She could just be soo cute! And more importantly she could gain something that is very unique and hopefully one day she will take pride in.
Posted by britt at 10:37 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Reasons to Celebrate
We had some GREAT reasons to celebrate this weekend! First, Daddy came home on Friday night. The kids were soo excited. Unfortunately we arrived at the airport late because of course we got stuck in traffic, where we just sat and inched for like 45 minutes. Talk about wanting to rip your hair out. Finally we made it and it was all worth it!
Then on Saturday night, the kids cousin Ella (Stephanie, from Lazytown, above) had her traditional Halloween Birthday party. It is always fun to get together with family-for food, fun, and lots laughter!
ps-I don't know how much better the wig made Ame's costume. Mostly, because it only stayed on for about 30 minutes. Either it was falling off cuz it was too heavy or she was taking it off cuz it was too itchy. Mom has decided next year we a picking a real easy, simple costume!
But Mulan is still our little princess!!
Posted by britt at 9:41 AM 2 comments
Friday, October 27, 2006
More from our trip
So my parents had a Haloween party @ their ward and this was my 1st attempt at Ame's Mulan costume. It didn't quite turn out how I envisioned it. We are going to a halloween birthday party on Saturday so I want to do it better. I think I will get her a black wig and tie it in a bun. Any other suggestions?
Kaipo is a cute skeleton. The simpler the better for him. There is no way he will wear the mask. He is even pulling it off his head most of the night. What can expect, right!?
I didn't realize Kaipo and I were going to be twins for church when I packed.
Posted by britt at 1:02 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Kaipo is having a blast! This was before he layed in the sand and threw a big handful of sand in the air, which ended up in his eyes. Bound to happen isn't it?
Ame is contemplating life on the shores of the Lake. She actually told me she was scared of the big dogs running on the beach and was hoping they wouldn't come over and jump on her!
We have been at my parents in Lake Tahoe since last Friday. They have been soo wonderful and have helped with the kids A LOT. They have spoiled us all. It has been a nice little semi-vacation for me.
Posted by britt at 7:15 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Not even 48 hours
Quinn left on Sunday for a business training seminar for 12 days. He hasn't even been gone 2 days and I am worn out! I went to church for the first time in our new ward on Sunday. The kids (mostly Ame) were soo terrible and I was so embarrased that I finally left part way through the 2nd speaker. I was actually anxious to meet some people, but my patience had been far too spent to stay any longer.
Then Monday morning as I was getting ready to walk out the door to the grocery store, I had to run to the bathroom to rid my stomach of my my bowl of cereal and much more (sorry to be gross). I felt pretty crummy the rest of the morning, but was OK by lunch. After the kids naps we went to run some errrands and while in the store kaipo decided to throw up ALL OVER himself & the cart. I was trying to catch it as much as I could in my hands and toss it into the garbage (sorry once again for the gross detail). A nice cashier handed me a towel to clean up my mess. I took him to the bathroom to remove his clothes and clean him up the best I could. Then I had to buy him a shirt, along with my other things and quickly head home, in the freezing weather. He has been sick with vomiting and diarrhea since. He is already taking a nap and he hasn't even been up 2 hours. At least now he is drinking pediatlite and keeping his medicine down.
Either Heavenly Father thinks I need a real test in Patience OR gain a much greater appreciation for my husband. Which ever one it is-I am definitely more in tune!
Posted by britt at 8:06 AM 2 comments
Sunday, October 15, 2006
It's about time!!
I don't know why this has taken me so long. I guess my excuse was I tried it 4 or 5 months ago and had some difficulty and so I got frustrated and gave up. But I am tired of being in the dark- I feel like I am coming out of the ice age and joining the new age of technology.
I have enjoyed reading everyone else's blogs and decided I need to get my own, once and for all!
Hope mine is half as exciting as all of yours.
Posted by britt at 2:50 PM 1 comments