It was a 5K obstacle course through the mud, up in Midway.
get REALLY muddy, cheer me on and be the photographer.
to help babysit as well.
but sunny at times and in the mid 70's.
Me, Lindsey, Amy S, Katie, and Amber.

The arches behind us is the the starting line.

Here's how the course was from the get go...muddy to our ankles.
I thought if THIS is how the whole thing is I don't know if
I am going to enjoy this much. PLus I felt like my shoes were
going to come off if I ran too fast?!

None of us knew quite what to expect, since we hadn't done it before.
It was a lot of UP hill, with obstacle along the way, such
as stacked haybails or walls to climb over, each with big amounts of
mud before and after, tires to run through, and a few others
I can't quite remember. SPrinklers of course to spray us
and to keep the course wet. The WHOLE trail wasn't muddy, but LOTS
of it was. My feet felt soo gross, and by the end they were just filled with
rocks and felt like 50 lbs.
We laughed A LOT! Mostly at some particular runners and their
outfits, especially the girl doing it solo in her thong swimsuit.
Yes there were all kinds of costumes!
We were spread out throughout the race, going at different paces.
I mostly ran with 2 other girls, but we waited for the rest of our group
to slide down the blow up slide at the end and then go through this...

to the finish line.
You could pretty much get as dirty as you wanted.
We were dirty, but not real bad and decided at the
end we needed to be MUCH more MUddy, so
we made some slides and dives
and turned out like this...

Afterwards we had 2 choices for trying to clean off-
(both outside community showers)
FREEZING cold fire hydrant water
OR pay $3 for a warm, trickle of a shower.
Some of us chose to pay for warmth, which
consisted of getting a warm/cold powerwash first,
then stand in another LONG line, and shiver
for what felt like FOREVER to then TRY to get
the majority of the mud off, while crowds of
people gawked and wondered why we were
all shivering like crazy, because
NOT wet it was really quite pleasant outside.
The we got to change our clothes in a big tent with
tons of other naked ladies. Ame was my towel holder,
as I tried to be somewhat modest.
Even knowing the end result of fingers turning
purple and having mud caked everywhere,
we are already making plans for next year!!
We know our group is going to get much
bigger next time, as many others
who were reluctant about the idea, now
see and hear stories about what a blast
we had and want to join us next time.
Gettin' dirty sure is fun!!