Saturday Night our ward had a trunk or treat,
and since Quinn and I are on the committee
we couldn't miss it. Plus, the kids would
have never let us anyway!
It was really well planned and put together.
Here's the kids b4.
I was glad I got these pics because
as we were getting ready to go Ash
was screaming to have the whole
costume OFF, and the mask NO WAY!
Ash is our friendly skeleton
(a hand-me down from Kaipo at his age)
Kaipo chose his scary skeleton costume.
It was suppose to glow in the dark,
but not so much. Although it is quite
creepy looking!
And Ame is a pop-star.Who you may wonder???
Most would think Hannah MOntana,
but mom told her to refer to someone
else, plus she couldn't really pass for that blondy anyway.
So she changed her mind all the time
as to who she was-Miley Cyrus,
Selena Gomez, Demi Lavato...

The youth took care of the carnival part,
with games and a thriller dance. VERY
well done too! There was also tons of
chilly & breadsticks, hot dogs and cider.

here they are performing

SOme adults joined in on the dress-up
and went all out. Quinn was
who elsebut Tiger Woods (real hard for him huh),
but he did gets lots of comments.
And me well lets just
be grateful I made it there :)

then it was off to
b4 everyone froze their tails off!
Ash learned the art of
BEGGING for CANDY real quick!!!
who could say no to this cute little guy!

AHHH the candy!

Talk about going ALL OUT,
well for the trunk or treat
this guy had the back of a commercial van
all decked out spooky and the kids had
to enter to get their candy.

Another couple did cotton candy for
their treat. Who do you think was
the favorite among this crowd???
Not me and my boring bowl of candy, that's for sure.
SO it was a really fun, COLD night.
And now we have our first round of
too much candy already, which will
magically and slowly disappear
before we get round 2!!!