and nothing is sweeter than homemade gifts

Ame's gift she made at school.
how simple, but soo creative and special!

Quinn invited his mom to our ward
where he shared his amazing talent and sang
solo"A Mother's Love"
He said the nerves were STRONG, but no one
could tell. He did am incredible job and sounded beautiful!

I just love these girls. They are soo thoughtful, generous
hilarious and just FUN!! And they are amazing MOMS.
(isn't little Amaya such a cutie)

Quinn's brother got a new 3D Tv so everyone had fun
watching a Movie with the cool glasses!

As a mom I just couldn't ask for more beautiful, intelligent,
loving, thoughtful children. Every single day they amaze
me with their wisdom and teach me so much!
I pray daily to be more patient and more loving,
so that I can show my appreciation more sincerely
for the blessing Heavenly Father has given me,
to be their mom!
I am also grateful beyond measure for
my own amazing mother.
She is a woman full of
charity, kindness, sincerity, compassion, and
wisdom. A true treasure and woman to be honored!
I love you MOM and miss you tremendously,
but love you even more for your sacrifice,
your love for the Lord and his church.
I KNOW you are blessing many, many lives!!
Happy Mother's Day to YOU.
I honor ALL you amazing mom, who are my family & friends.
You are my examples of Christlike love for your own children
and teach me so much just by watching your gentleness.
thank you all!