10 Reasons I am feeling HAPPY today:
1. I got to spend the afternoon with my sister, having a picnic, talking and just hanging our with our kids @ the park.
2. We are having a much needed rainy day, which gives me all the more reason to stay indoors, be kind of lazy and NOT feel quilty!
3. My house is CLEAN, for the moment.
4. Everyone is healthy, at least nothing major (just a runny nose/cold for Ash).
5. It is Saturday, so I don't feel rushed to get kids out the door to school.
6. I have a beautiful home to keep us warm/cool (depending on the season-today it is keeping us WARM), dry, and comfortable.
7. Quinn has job(s) and works VERY hard to provides for our family, so I can be home with our children.
Thank You Honey, for your sacrifice, diligence and tiresome, long hours!
8. The kids were happy, getting along and playing nicely (I should have typed this one first).
9. I feel somewhat caught up on tasks that were nagging at me at 6am, even though I slept in until 7:00. THAT sure felt good!
10. Conference is starting in about 15 minutes!