Up until last Friday, I (or I should say our family) has been consumed with getting ready for our Christmas Party, since I am the Activities Chair in our ward. We decided to do it Hawaiian Style, which is NO SIMPLE TASK. I had great help from about 6 committee members to cook rice, pork and chicken for 300+ people. QUinn and I tried to do the food as traditional and authentic as possible, which was A LOT more work, but worth it in the end. Of course we way overestimated and had way too much food. But as everyone says, better too much than not enough. We donated a ton of left overs and have still been eating it for days ourselves.
Ame's Hula group came and performed as our entertainment, which made the night even more fun for all who attended. I had soo many people (especially the old people in our ward) comment that it was the best christmas party they have ever been to, much better than the traditional Ham and Potatoes. Which was good to hear, and made all the work worth it!
We of course ended the night with a beautiful spiritual program (unfornately several people left after the hula performance and missed the best and MOST important part of the night. I used this book as my focus of the program.

It has definitely brought the Christmas Spirit into my life this Holiday Season
and I hope to many others (maybe even yours).