We started a new behavior incentive at our house.
The kids can earn GOTCHA tickets, for good behavior
(listening the first time, not complaining, doing extra helpful things, etc)
After ALL 3 OF THEM earned 10 I said we could
sleep on the tramp, since they have been begging to do it.
Well they earned it more quickly than I anticipated,
in just one week, and so I was bound to
join them on the tramp for a night of restful sleeping...
NOT REALLY. After about an hour Ash went inside
because he wanted to sleep in his own bed.
That made it a little better, but we woke up
several times with blankets all over the place and
the other two continuously rolling on top of me!
FINALLY at about 4:30 Ame and Kaipo
agreed we should go inside and get a few hours
of good sleep. Thank goodness!
Now that they have done it, hopefully they won't
be asking to do it again for a LONG time:?!
But it was a fun memory made!

The beautiful WARM weather has finally made it
so we headed to the pool.

We traded Kaipo for Ella,
for a few days. In addition to swimming,
late nights, movies, makeup, and lots of GIRL fun
the girls also planned a LIMEade stand.
Of course it is never as $$ producing as they would
have hoped, but that is just one of the many
summer fun MUST dos...

and so summer has REALLY begun and we are lovin' it!