Friday, November 21, 2008
Posted by britt at 8:24 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I just had to post this, so we could all remember one thing to be grateful for...
thanks Kaipo for the reminder!!
Posted by britt at 12:27 PM 3 comments
inspired post...GIRLS
I read my friend, Jamie's, Blog and was inspired to write a little incident from last night. Well, my kids went to a neighbors house last night, while I was at YW's and Quinn was teaching class. They have 2 girls (8 & 5) and a boy Ash's age. Kaipo LOVES to play with the girls and Ame is pretty good friends with these girls as well. But I was talking to their mom (when I picked them up) about girl troubles and all the ISSUES they have with friends. Ame comes home every other day (sometimes every) telling about how someone won't be friends with her or someone else, for something someone said or did. I DID NOT EXPECT girlfriend troubles to start in Kindergarten! I know us girls are sensitive but, my goodness!!! Anyway, last night Ame and the girls-Lily and Avery, had some issues, mostly when we were getting ready to leave AND IT WAS WAY PAST THEIR BEDTIMES. Not only do girls get their feelings hurt SO easily, but saying sorry is also such a difficult thing to do. As much as we talk about these kinds of things after they happen and how to deal with it better next time, WE are still learning over and over how to handle it better and BE a better friend!!
Posted by britt at 8:40 AM 2 comments
YW Night

that idea. Well the dress I wore to my brother's wedding is the
dressiest thing I have in my closet.
This is my dear friend and our YW's President.
She is a fantastic leader!

The girls had a great time and were good sports in the dress-up idea.
I didn't get a picture taken until several girls had already left.
I should have also taken a picture of the room is was decorated really cute
with shiny stars hanging from the ceiling, there was a red carpet
to walk on as they entered the room,
and the girls hands were traced and put on a cute page with
their name (like the celebrity sidewalk thing).
After our speaker, we presented each girl with their own
OSCAR and as they came up they got to tell about something
they did this past year, in the area of personal progress.
It as a super night to honor our YW for all their hard work
and helping them to (hopefully) feel special!

Posted by britt at 7:56 AM 2 comments