which was a long time for this girl to WAIT...
Posted by britt at 11:06 AM 1 comments
Since THIS mom has decided against a Bunny for the kids, for Easter (or any time soon for that matter), I am feeling uncreative as to what to get instead. I feel since they aren't getting what they'd SOO hoped for, I have to come up with something great instead. I know Easter is not about gifts, and I should be teaching my kids that, but it isn't quite that easy. Do you think dad has taken one thought about any of this?? Of course not! This is just one more thing that is ALL ON MOM. So if anyone has a creative/fun idea to throw my way, I am very open to suggestions :)
Posted by britt at 12:59 PM 3 comments
Ame was anxious to have a grapefuit, and needed a sprinkle of sugar on it. Of course she couldn't wait for mom to get down the newly filled/completely FULL tub of sugar, so she thought she would be helpful and get it down from the top shelf of the pantry all by herself. I heard a crash and a I didn't mean to do it!!! Only to come out and find THIS fun mess all over my kitchen floor. Of course I reacted without stopping to take a deap breathe. But to my defense we did need to leave for dance class in like 10 minutes and we were already running late. I wasn't planning to sweep the kitchen twice (not even once) b4 we left. QUinn's response in passing as we left and he returned home, was its OK she doesn't do things like this very often. If only I had had the same response. Of course it is easy to respond that way when you are not IN the moment and have to actually clean up the mess, while running late. Once again, this mom learned she is all too quick to react negatively, in stressful situations. Ame WAS only trying to be helpful. How would YOU have reacted????
Posted by britt at 12:43 PM 2 comments