It is soo hard for the preschooler,
when you have older siblings who start school
two weeks before you get to.
But Ash FINALLY started school
this week.
The name of his school is
Mary's Little Lambs.
They have a class pet that they
get to take turns bringing home.
They have a journal to record what
they do while Little Lamb is visiting,
and add any pictures.
They played the Wii together,
ate dinner and drank lots of chocolate
milk. He LOVED sleeping in Ash's bed
and woke up to a great breakfast before
heading back to school!
Ash was pretty proud to be the FIRST to
get to take the pet home.

Ash goes MWF from 12-2:30, so it gives STAY at HOME dad
a good chunk of time in the
afternoon, while Nalu is napping
to get work done (or whatever he does).
Ash has grown up so much. And he is
smart as a whip. I am excited to see him
learn and grow this year, as he gets ready
for Kindergarten!!