I am having mixed feelings about the summer winding down,
as I am sure many other mothers are too.
But one thing I am grateful for is that
the SUMMER FUN has not come to an end yet!
In the past week we have had...
cousins get-togethers WITH water balloons

LOTS of popcycles (and shave ice)

Nalu even discovered the goodness of these treats

Ame and mom did a 5K Fun Run w/our stake.
Ame rode her bike, as I tried to keep up with her.

we took 2nd place in our division

our 1st race together-
Hopefully we will have many more!

MORE swimming. This time daddy joined us.
A real treat, as we don't get to enjoy his
company very often (poolside that is).

Kaiya had her 3rd bday party.
We were soo glad we could celebrate with her!

Don't want to steal Karli's thunder,
so I'll let her blog about the party
(but look at that FUN cake).

much enjoyed by all!

Luckily we have one more
fun-filled week
of SUMMER left. Lets see how much
FUN we can fit into our last few days b4 school starts?!