Cross our fingers we don't have to again for at least a few more years!!!
Thursday, May 07, 2009
what are we looking at???
Cross our fingers we don't have to again for at least a few more years!!!
Posted by britt at 2:28 PM 7 comments
Kindergarten Program
Posted by britt at 2:00 PM 2 comments
Some pampering

Posted by britt at 1:53 PM 2 comments
house update...going to be done SOON

Posted by britt at 1:45 PM 2 comments
one to remember
I am not very good at remembering to document things my kids say, but I just had to jot this one down:
The other day Ame and I were on our way home from her Hula lessons and the traffic was terrible. I had the radio on and a commercial was on about chewing tabacco. She was obviously intently listening because she started asking questions about tabacco. And we discussed that it is the same thing that is in cigarettes and that some people like to chew it instead of smoke it. I was trying to give just enough info to answer her questions but not go into too much detail. So she was quiet for a minute and then said, "Isn't that the stuff dad like to eat?" I said WHAT? And she said, "yeah the hot stuff he is always putting on his food". I thought for a minute and then realized she was talking about TABASCO. I had a good chuckle inside, but tried to not laugh out loud too much because she gets so sensitive about making mistakes and someone laughing AT her. I just responded, honey no that is tabasco and is NOT the same thing. She said "oh yeah" and got a huge look of RELIEF, knowing that her daddy wasn't eating TABACCO...the really bad stuff :)
Posted by britt at 1:16 PM 3 comments