Kaipolani Keli'i-Age 7
How are you like your dad? I have brown eyes
How are you like your mom? We like to take care of Nalu
What's one thing that your dad has that you'd like to develop? basketball
What's one thing that Dad always says to you? I love you
What's one thing that you and Dad did together that you'll always remember? Father and Sons outing
If you had a million dollars, what's the first thing you'd buy? DS
How do you know that I (mom) love you? Always take care of me and making sure I am protected
What's your favorite cereal? Froot loops
What's your favorite movie? Spy Kids
What's your favorite vegetable? Corn on the cob
What personal item that you would never give away? Star wars toys
What's your favorite game? Poptropica
What's your favorite book? Star Wars Clone Wars
What food would you eat every day if you could? KFC
If you could choose a different name, what would it be? Luke
What's the scariest thing you've ever done? Getting lost in Walmart
If you could eat at any restaurant for the rest of your life, where would it be? Asian Buffet
What's your favorite candy bar? NerdRope
What's the last thing that you did that you were proud of? Read 5 chapters in my book today
What's the best age to be? 8, because you get baptized
What's your favorite holiday? Christmas, because we celebrate Jesus’ birthday
What's the best present you ever got? The puppy grandma and grandpa just gave me for my birthday from Finland
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Kaipo's bday survey
Posted by britt at 3:49 PM 2 comments
Birthday Boy

Posted by britt at 3:05 PM 2 comments
a bit to share
So I wasn't really going to discuss my personal situation on here, but I think, if anything, it would be healthy and good for me to do so. Quinn and I seperated last month, in January. A decision that has been needed for some time now. To put it nicely, our priorities have just grown far too distant and I am beginning to understand what "Irreconcilable Differences" really means. Going back to teaching this year was one of the hardest decision I had to agree to make. I was not happy about it, but at this end of it, I can't imagine if I wouldn't have done it. It has kept me sane. It has given me space and seperation when it was very much needed. Life has continued to become very overwhelming, just trying to juggle and balance everything. I always feel a few steps behind, and I am still trying to learn where to draw the line between what NEEDs to get done and what has to get done. I just can't do it all, like I use to. I have learned to let a lot of things go that use to drive me crazy if they weren't done. I am learning to be OK with things not being perfect (or even close to it). Quinn continues to come to the house during the day and work from here and continue our arrangments of him taking care of Nalu and Ash during the day while I work. There are things that he chooses to do during his time with the boys that I don't agree with, but that is another battle I am choosing to not fight. He leaves when I come home from work and I remove my teacher hat and put back on my mom hat. Although the two of them intertwine quite a bit. I feel frustrated with the heavy responsiblity I carry to TRY and get my kids (mostly Kaipo) to get his homework done, fix dinner, juggle schedules when needed, and that is probably a big reason why my kids are not in any after school acitvities except Ame in Hula and her activity days. I know they want and should do more things, but I feel overwhelmed as it is. I am though, finally starting to feel like this is my NEW life, and that I can do this single mom thing, so maybe soon enough I will feel like I can add more to my plate. Not only am I challenged with my job, and now my seperation from Quinn, but Kaipo I am sure has ADHD. I went to a seminar a few weeks ago and everything that was talked about as signs, I could just shake my head and said yep, thats Kaipo and oh that is definitely how he does things,etc. I am in regular communication with his school teachers about behavior issues and have also contacted the school psychologist for additional help. This is definitely a characteristic that Kaipo inherited from his father, and yet I am the only one who sees it has a REAl challenge and will be (I am convinced) the only one who seeks out help and does something to help Kaipo deal with it.
So to say the least life feels overwhelming and I would be lying if I didn't have thoughts that this is soo not fair and why did I get all of this...
But I am constantly praying and trying to have patience to one day see and understand the need for this challenge in my life. I know for sure patience is a quality I lack greatly, so that I am sure if one area I need to learn and grow in. I definitely am making it, one day at a time. My kids and the tremendous love and support I feel from my amazing family and close friends is what gives me strength to keep fighting, trying and hangin' on.... At times I felt soo alone, but have also felt my Saviors Love more than I ever have before. My down times have not lasted too long because I am quickly comforted by the spirit. I am realizing that my Heavenly Father truly know ME and what I am going through. My Savior suffered the same sorrows I feel and that lifts me, then helps me pick myself up, put my head and say tomorrow WILL BE a better day!
Posted by britt at 2:33 PM 6 comments
indoor swimming

me when we are going to go again...
um, in about 4 months (if we are lucky)
when the sun is shining bright and it
is FINALLY warm!!

how mom felt the whole time.
And the kids kept drying off
every 10-15 minutes saying they were done
and then back in again they would go.
I am sure after a while their towels were no longer
warm and inviting?!

for quite some time. The pool has a big
climbing spraying thing, which
to this mom who didn't want to get
wet in the first place, it was just annoying,
all the kids (not just mine) running around
splashing didn't make my attitude any
more postive...can you tell.
But the things I do are never really
about ME most of the time (as I am sure
it is the same for most mom), it is
all about...the KIDS!!

of time as well!
Posted by britt at 2:17 PM 1 comments

Posted by britt at 2:12 PM 0 comments
Moms and Munchies
Posted by britt at 2:05 PM 0 comments
The start of many...
Posted by britt at 1:52 PM 0 comments