Last night, not long after I had layed my head down (I wasn't even asleep yet) I heard Kaipo crying-nothing unusual, because he does it often if he wakes up and has to go potty or has maybe had a bad dream and is scared. Often if I just wait a bit he goes right back to sleep. But not long after, quinn is carrying him in our bathroom and informing me that Kaipo threw up in his room and now he is doing it again in our toilet. Oh yeah, just what I wanted at the end of a LONG tiring day! I got Kaipo all cleaned up and put him in my bed, then headed down stairs where quinn and I took bedding off his bed, threw it in the washer and sprayed the carpet with cleaner to sit all night (I could do a deep cleaning in the morning). I finally got back to bed, but of course could not sleep most of the night because with every move Kaipo made I was afraid he was going to throw up or he actually was. I think we got a few hours of sleep before everyone else was up and at 'em, and then Kaipo took like a 2 1/2 hr nap this morning, feeling quite a bit better, just no appetite. I think we might be in the clear (other than one episode this afternoon). I am so hoping it was something Kaipo ate that upset his sensitive stomach, and that NO one else gets sick. That will not make this week ahead of packing and moving very fun! And I hope tonight we all get a restful night sleep!!
Kaipo was DEFINITELY not looking or feeling like this last night
(ps...sorry for the somewhat gross detailed story)

(ps...sorry for the somewhat gross detailed story)