First of all, we were SOOO glad my parents
got all of their packages.
All of our families had put together and sent them
2 packages containing 12 days of Christmas gifts,
in early November and they didn't get it until like
2 days b4 about nerve racking & last minute.
The weekend b4 Christmas, Quinn decided we should
Fed-ex them another small package because WE were so
concerned they weren't going to get the original package.
Now they just got an extra amount of LOVE.
just how much we really do
LOVE you!!!
And now you can get hugs and kisses
(from Ame and Kaipo) any time you want now!
*We hope you had a memorable
& Merry Christmas*
Good thing mom knows what Santa is getting everyone.
This is the one thing Ame said she didn't get,
but really wanted.
She was surprised Christmas morning when it
She was surprised Christmas morning when it
made its way ALL the way to Provo!

He also loves all of his new Star Wars action figures!

But he seems happy with his toys, just about as much as
his brother and sisters toys.
DOn't they always want what someone else has??
(which makes for friendly sharing of toys...NOT)

Looks like fun, doesn't it?
Mom missed out cuz she was inside while Ash was sleeping,
but daddy did get to join them!