he got filled with much more sweetness.
*Donuts for Breakfast*
That seems to be the tradition
around out home for BIRTHDAYS!!!
Nalu Alena Hanamaikai
Nalu Alena Hanamaikai
and we have soo much to celebrate!
He has blessed our family more than
we could ever have imagined.
Each day he is soo happy, full of life
and just a joy to have around.
Unfortunately he had a Dr's Appt.
and had to get 3 shots. What a way
to celebrate, huh?!
We did find out how much he has grown.
We did find out how much he has grown.
He now weighs: 23.4 lbs
and his height : 31 inches
Those are almost the exact same
stats as his brother kaipo had
at 12months. So we know Nalu
is going to be one tall boy!
in his carseat now.
He is soo close to taking his first steps.
He is soo close to taking his first steps.
He pulls himself up everywhere, and
walks along the bench of the kitchen table.
I'm thinkin' give him a few weeks
and he will be walking!
when I see this boy.
No matter how crummy of a day
I am having, all I have to do
is see my precious boy
and I can't help but smile!!
is see my precious boy
and I can't help but smile!!
some of the GOOD stuff.

Take a Bath
If anyone even mentions that word he is
If anyone even mentions that word he is
squealing and squirming with excitment!
that yummy cake and ice cream,
it time for PRESENTS!
Of course there is no enjoying
Of course there is no enjoying
opening them by himself...
gotta have those brothers
gotta have those brothers
ripping into them too.
Speaking of siblings, Nalu
just LOVES his brothers and sister.
He is constantly crawling around the house
looking for them, or yelling up the
stairs when he hears them playing.
He giggles hysterically at the silly things
they do and is constantly entertained by them!
If he would only realize how much MORE
fun he could have with them if he would
JUST WALK!! Then he could follow them everywhere!