Tuesday, August 23, 2011

the NEW cool

Ame and Kaipo have just found interest in what I guess is the NEW cool thing
(or maybe old I don't know). That would be pegging. Kind of like pumping
someone, but instead they stand on the peg on the back of the bike.
Pretty cute I'd say!

First Day

I must say it was a pretty hard day for me, in that I didn't get to join my kids on their first day of school. I had to hold back a few tears, but dad did good in getting lots of pics so I could see what I missed. They were both super excited, and of course a bit anxious!
Nalu and Ash were trooper and enjoyed tagging along.
Dad doesn't believe in safety belts?!
Kaipo meeting his homeroom, Spanish Teacher, Mr. Naylor.
Ame was sooo very sad not be in the same class as
her BFF Layla. But we had a talk about the new
friends she will get to make and that her and Layla
can still hang out OUTSIDE of the classroom.
Ame checking out some new third grade stuff.
OK dad, I think that is enough pictures?!?
Kaipo was all smiles and when I talked to him after
his first day, he said he LOVES, LOVES, LOVES first grade!
getting ready to start spanish class...
and now the fun begins!
(I took some pictures of my class and classroom that
I have on my computer at school. I will post them soon.)

Back to School Dinner

As tradition, we had our BACK to SCHOOl dinner, with request from the kids for Maui chicken, rice, corn on the cob, and hawaiian bread. Topped off with HOMEMADE ice cream and brownies.
It was a lot of work for a Sunday, but well worth it and enjoyed by all! Happy School days!!

end of summer fun

Last Friday, I took Ame, Kaipo and Ash to the
Drive-In Movies. Quinn stayed home with Nalu, because
well lets face it, is Nalu really going to watch to
movies in the back of the car...of course not!!
We saw Spy Kids in 4D AND Smurfs.
We packed LOTS of treats and snacks.
The kids did really great and made it through
BOTH movies. Mom on the other hand, slept
through half of the 2nd movie.
We had a grand time and made one last
summer fun memory!

Time Flies.......

NO, I didn't just post all of these 5 in the last hour after I finished school (as the time may show). I did a lot of much need blog catch up last night until about 11:30 instead of getting the sleep that I should have been getting. I am just now posting them because for some reason my computer last night wouldn't do it?!?
WOW, where has this month gone? Oh yeah, into my classroom. I can't say this past month has been easy by any means, for any of us. After the third official day of school I feel exhausted and more overwhelmed than before, and I honestly find myself wondering how I am possibly going to do this for a whole school and maybe, just maybe, many more years to come?! I know things get easier in time, but right now I want to go to sleep and never wake up, because really, life just feels too hard!! I know I have just had several extra hard, stressful days and tomorrow will very well be easier, and I know soo many people have faith and confidence in ME. Maybe that is making me feel overwhelmed too, because my expectations are set too high. I just have to continuously remind myself that I can do this and I am strong, but can't expect perfection!
DON'T compare myself to others. That is just not fair to myself. I know there are many, many other working moms, and I have a perfect example of someone who did just what I am doing for 25 years (my own amazing mom)!!
OK I got it out. I am not one who usually poors out my negative feelings
here in our family blog, but right now, it is what it is!!