For those who haven't already heard...
First off, the baby seems to be growing right on track and everything looks good, according to the DR. Second, it seems as though Heavenly Father thinks we need just a little more CRAZINESS around our home because we are adding another boy to our family! Surprisingly Ame was OK with it, Kaipo on the other hand (throughout the whole ultra sound), kept saying NO IT'S A GIRL every time the nurse or dr said anything about a boy. And even sincwe then, he still talks about the baby being a girl. He is so funny-he says "you know girl baby's can look like boys when they come out." Hopefully we can get all this clarified b4 our little BOY comes :) I am sure he will get over it all real soon, once he has another brother to pester and roughen up! I asked Ame when we got in the car after our appt. if she was sad, and she said "no not really". We reaffirmed to her that just meant SHE was going to be the special (spoiled) only girl! So the news wasn't quite what we had been anticipating, but we are happy and know this little boy will bring even more life, joy, love and insanity to our home :) SO there you have it-baby #4 is a nameless Hanamaikai boy!
What does boy #3 have in store for us?

These two have packed quite the punch.
And cuteness, how could he get any better
looking than these boys?? SOmehow
each one just does, and blends right in!
We are all in for quite an adventure!!!!!!!!!!!

Luckily all these boys will have a BIG sister to keep
them in line. She is definitely good at being the BOSS!