TEETH...seems to be the big issue around our house these days. First Ash cut his first two teeth and now Ame has officially lost her first baby tooth. It has been loose for a while and we tried a few times to pull it, but that sucker was holding on tight! Then she lost her bravery and wouldn't let us try anymore. So it just got looser and looser, until it was literally hanging by a thread. She finally let daddy try again. This time was A LOT easier.
As you can see in the picture below, the adult tooth has already come through, even while the baby one was still there. So she hasn't really had any time WITHOUT a tooth.

Being our first time with a lost tooth in our house, the tooth fairy wasn't quite sure how much to leave, but decided $5 for the first tooth. I don't think that will be the regular amount, this was just the first, special one. We will have to see what the tooth fairy decides from here on out. Any advice? The big debate was dollar bills (mom) or quarters (dad). The tooth fairy did quarters. So, the first thing Ame said in the morning when she opened her little tooth bag...I wonder why I didn't get dollars. I guess the tooth fairy know for next time!