Saturday was Kaipo's birthday and he is FINALLY 5.
He has been anticipating this BIG day for a long time!
Thanks to my family for buying him this
awesome BIG KID bike.
He has been riding it around the house (with
the training wheels on) NON-STOP, because his dad told him
he had to learn to ride it really good and fast,
then he can take the training wheels off.
He is determined to be a BIG BOY!!
He has a Kindergarten checkup tomorrow
and I am curious to see how he ranks
on the growth charts. I already know he is one tall kid!
We also have Kindergarten Registration this week.
A funny thought about that-
one day on our way to preschool, he said
pretty soon I won't be going to preschool, and I
agreed and said you're right, in my mind thinking
he meant when summer comes & this school year is over.
But Kaipo thought that when he turned 5
automatically he stopped preschool and
started going to Kindergarten. He definitely could
pass for a Kindergartener or even first grader!
Here are some of the things 5yr old Kaipo is into:
*Legos and Trio's-he LOVES to
build and create things
* Anything superhero
*He has taken a recent interest in sports,
*He has taken a recent interest in sports,
particularly basketball-hurray!
He can put that height to good use :)
*He is quite the artist and has an
amazing imagination
*He loves to play games on the computer
*He feels soo grown up now that he is
learning to read
They rode cars, played lazertag, bowling,
arcade games, climbed around and just had a blast!!
He chose to have a
this year
to make this one, but no I was not!
Thanks goodness for a
cupcake cake. It eliminates the mess
of cutting & serving.
messy faces, but I think they enjoyed the treat.
dad was off with the BIG kids, while mom
was with the little boys. But I really did
not do a good job of picture taking
(I only hope that Karli or LeAnne got
(I only hope that Karli or LeAnne got
more pics than I did. I am sure they
did of their OWN kids, cuz they
are much better than I at that)
and got several games in, with whoever would play!
We are so proud of him and think he is one amazing boy.
He is so full of energy, curiosity, imagination, and love!
Despite all the frustration & stress he may cause us,
its like the saying Quinn found, by Mark Twain,
that we put on the wall in his room...
My mother has a great deal of trouble with me,
but I think she enjoys it.
We Love you Kaipo,
and wouldn't want YOU any other way!!