Our Thanksgiving Day started with Flag Football, for Quinn. He tried to organize a Turkey Bowl. That was such a BIG thing when we lived in Hawaii, but he only got one other ward to get involved, so it was just a fun/competitive game with some friends.
Unfortunately, as he dove to catch a ball, he landed right on his shoulder. It has really been hurting him since then. He even gave up a golf opportunity today, so I KNOW he truly is in A LOT of pain!

The kids enjoyed donuts and hot cocoa at home. It was just too darn cold outside to watch daddy, that early in the morning. Plus no other families were there to support, so we decided to enjoy a relaxing morning at home instead, and leave the BIG boys to their own fun.
Ash is trying to copy his SILLY brother and sister, but kind of missed his eye!
After daddy got home & had a soak in the tub (to try and relax his shoulder AND back) we headed to my parents house-wishing they were there-to hang out with my brother Jason and his family. We saw my sister, Karli for a few minutes and she took some family pics for us, but then they were off to feast with the Grover's.
We snacked A LOT before dinner, but managed to save room for the awesome dinner LeAnne made. I should have taken a picture of all the food we had. The nice thing about A LOT of food, is there is a lot of left-overs. She was generous enough to send some home with us, so we could enjoy more yummy food as leftovers!
In addition to an awesome meal, we had delicious desserts to top it all off. LeAnne made pumpkin squares, pumpkin pie and apple pie. I made a chocolate/mint bundt cake, for those non-pie fans (Quinn).

In addition to an awesome meal, we had delicious desserts to top it all off. LeAnne made pumpkin squares, pumpkin pie and apple pie. I made a chocolate/mint bundt cake, for those non-pie fans (Quinn).
It was a relaxing day, FULL of Food and great company. The kids played hard and the rest of us talked & talked!
I felt tremendously grateful as I contemplated my blessings through this day.
Why am I so lucky to have been given soo much??
I have the greatest family-husband, children, brothers, sister, parents and in-laws-who all love me, despite all my shortcoming!
I have so many more blessings that are near and dear to my heart. I feel so indebted to all those who have blessed my life, through their often tremendous sacrifice.
I hope to remember THESE thoughts more throughout the coming year, especially when I am feeling selfish and NOT SO grateful...
because I am SUCH A LUCKY GIRL!