Quinn has had a conference in Salt Lake, Wednesday-Saturday. Twice a year, at the same time as their graduation, they have a conference for all the mentors, etc. If they live more than 30 miles away from downtown then the school pays for a hotel stay (at the Radisson) for them. He came home Thursday Night because he had to teach class AND had a church softball game, but he stayed down there tonight cuz he had mtgs until late tonight and then has graduation early in the morning, so it wasn't worth coming home.
We met him down there on Wed. evening and the kids had a fun swim and REALLY thought it was cool to be able to sleep on the 14th floor of the hotel too. ANY adventure away from home always fun! They all, surprisingly, slept really well-Ash in his porta-crib in the bathroom, and each of the kids in a bed with quinn and I. The kids loved it even more when daddy SUPRISED THEM, with breakfast in bed (from the hotel).
Since we were already downtown we spent a few hours at Hogle Zoo.
We weren't too far from home, but still had quite a two day adventure!