Just a few short weeks ago my dear friend here in Riverdale was diagnosed with a brain tumor. She had been having severe headaches and dizziness, which finally took her beyond OTC med's, to seeing a doctor and then to get an MRI. Everything has been a whirlwind for her since then, and if you interested in reading more or hearing the whole story you can visit a blogsite that has been set up for her: http://amiracleforjodibrown.blogspot.com/ Pictured below is Jodi (in the chair) and her mother. Her mom happened to be visiting for conference and a family baptism, at just about the same time all this began for Jodi. I can't imagine if it had been at a different time for her. Her parents live in Hawaii and her dad is the president of the PCC. But luckily her mom has been able to stay indefinitely and provide help and support in ways only a MOM know how.

we were grateful to be able to join in on the fun of cake, cotton candy and spending time with our wonderful friends!
(Kaipo looks as though he is praying, but I must have just snapped on that one second he was blinking, and getting ready for another burst of energy)