Tuesday, April 21, 2009

we're rounding it off

Ash has a message to share...
I just had to include this picture too.
I used this when we announced my pregnancy
with Ash. I just love to see how much these two
have grown up. They were soo cute and little!
After having a miscarriage last year,
we were much more hesitant to share the news
this time. We even waited until just recently
(after I went to my 1st Dr's appt) to
tell family. But now the word is out that
our family is rounding off to the even #
I don't know if we are READY, but
we are anxious to see who will be
joining our family.
I am especially excited to find out that
a few other dear ones are also
taking on this fun adventure at the
same time as me.
Some facts:
  • I really thought I was having twins-but that thought was confirmed negative (relief)
  • I am 11 weeks and my Due Date is November 12th
  • I feel as though I have NO room to complain in comparison to others, but my pregnancies have gradually gotten harder (as far as nausea and how I am feeling)
  • I am definitely getting the akward belly growth earlier this time
  • thankful for the profound thought of my daughter who said to me when she found out we were having a baby "this must be the baby who wasn't ready to come last time"



Jamie and Family said...

oh WOW!!!! I'm so happy it's "stuck" this time!!! Way to go! You are a brave soul!!!! Can't wait to follow your adventures :-)


Allan and Diane said...

Oh the wisdom of a child (and particularly THAT one). Can't wait to welcome another Hanamaikai but p-l-e-a-s-e choose an easy name this time. Grandma Thurgood has given up long ago and I can't ever remember more than the FIRST name. Love you guys

Allan and Diane said...

p.S. cute way to make your announcement. I have been wondering how you would do it!!

Unknown said...

Congrats- so funny that I am due exactly a month before you (but I am really hoping for Oct. 1 since Luka was 11 days early as well) Sorry if you aren't feeling so great- I KNOW how that feels. We can be big pregos together at the pool this summer (but I definitely now I will be MUCH bigger than you ha).

Debbie said...

congrats you guys!!!!

Bob and Becky said...

I remember we were with you when Ash was born...what a special day...and now another. We are so excited for you and your family. Congratulations.

Asplund Family said...

We are excited to have yet another cousin! There can never be enough! We love you hope you get to feeling better!

Jodi Orgill Brown said...

So happy for you.
Love ya!

tamster17 said...

Congratulations Brittany! So exciting for you all!

Cyndi said...

Yeah!!! Congratulations! We're so happy for you!!