On Tuesday we met my mom, cousins Evan & Kyle
(they came back w/my parents from Cali for a 2 wk visit),
Karli and her girls, AND LeAnne & her kids, for a fun
filled afternoon of swimming (and of course eating).
As you can see it was enjoyed by all!!

the kids in the lazy river

b4 we all packed it up for the day
(Karli had already left by this point)
we got the kids to sit still for some funny face pics

Then on Wednesday, we enjoyed our yearly visit from
our dear friend Jamie and her kids (and a few extras).
There were a total of 11 kids in the house.
It was a bit crazy, with just a few melt downs,
attitudes/arguments, but all in all the kids
had a blast and us moms got to
talk and catch up (and even a little remeniscing).
We all hope that one day Jme and her family will
make it back to Utah TO LIVE so we can see each other more
than once a year. Until then, we will just look forward
to our once (or twice) a year get togethers!!
~Love ya Jamie~

the kids got to make mini pizzas for lunch

who doesn't like pizza, especially when you get to
make it
just how you like it?!
then after running wild for a bit, the kids calmed down
enough to make some smores. SOme were not so sure about
the sticky treat, but most of them gobbled it down!
SUmmer Fun, with
friends and family...
it just doesn't get any better than this!!