For those who live in Utah, you have heard about the MUCH anticipated Front-Runner Train. Well we decided to give it a try, since the first few days were FREE!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Hawaiian Day @ Pre-School
Ame had her MUCH ANTICIPATED hawaiian day at school.
She wanted to share something withe everyone, so she passed out SHELL LEIS
(conveniently we had some left over from our ward christmas party).
They also made foam flower leis, painted fish, made vocanoes erupt and
had lots of other fun activities.
Ame was being silly and wearing one of the flower decorations.
Kaipo loved PLAYING in the water and sand with the other kids.
Ms. Mandy even brought some coconuts to show the kids and cracked them open,
so they could try a piece. They had them for snack (after Kaipo and I left)
but according to Ame they didn't really like the coconuts.
Ame shared one of her many talent with the class. She was VERY brave to
perform ALL BY HERSELF (with the exception of Kaipo joining in a few times)

so they could try a piece. They had them for snack (after Kaipo and I left)
but according to Ame they didn't really like the coconuts.

perform ALL BY HERSELF (with the exception of Kaipo joining in a few times)
in front of everyone. The decision was completely left up to her as whether or not to dance.
She was feeling shy at first but after one dance, she actually WANTED to do a few more!
She was feeling shy at first but after one dance, she actually WANTED to do a few more!
Here is one of the hula dances she knows. She did a tahitian dance first, but I missed
recording that one...trying to tame Kaipo instead!
Ame told me after I left she even gave some Hula lessons to some of the girls!
Ame told me after I left she even gave some Hula lessons to some of the girls!
Posted by britt at 9:40 AM 4 comments
Sunday, April 27, 2008
This picture shares two things for me. One: my new favorite cleaning supply.
Kind of weird I know, but I tend to buy generic cleaning supplies as often as possible,
including window cleaner. But not anymore! I picked up some windex because it was on
sale at the grocery store and I am never going generic again with window cleaner.
I can't believe the difference!!! No streaks and a much better smell!
Two: notice the much excess blind pieces stacked at the bottom of the window.
Well when we installed the blinds ourselves (from home depot) they cut the width for you,
but they come in just a standard length which you are suppose to remove and trim to size.
Well we obviously didn't do it when we hung them and said we'd DO IT LATER.
Well it is a year later and they still aren't done.
Hopefully I will get to them this summer (in addition to my many other PROJECTS).
Sounds like so much fun...doesn't it?
Posted by britt at 7:59 AM 3 comments
Are you a manual brusher OR an electric toothbrusher?
We used to just use regular toothbrushes, but Quinn and I just had dentist appts.
(at a new dentist) and got electric toothbrushes. We have had them in the past, but
Ame didn't really like it before. But opinions have changed and of course NOW the kids
love the tickle toothbrushes (as Kaipo calls them). And since we are trying to have
better oral hygiene, in addition to floss Ame wanted to get mouthwash. This kind is
great because the lid flashes so they know how long to rinse. Now every morning Ame
is taking care of her teeth without me even having to remind her!
Posted by britt at 7:49 AM 4 comments
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