Are you a manual brusher OR an electric toothbrusher?
We used to just use regular toothbrushes, but Quinn and I just had dentist appts.
(at a new dentist) and got electric toothbrushes. We have had them in the past, but
Ame didn't really like it before. But opinions have changed and of course NOW the kids
love the tickle toothbrushes (as Kaipo calls them). And since we are trying to have
better oral hygiene, in addition to floss Ame wanted to get mouthwash. This kind is
great because the lid flashes so they know how long to rinse. Now every morning Ame
is taking care of her teeth without me even having to remind her!
wow-pretty high tech dental care. Bet the kids love their new brushes and wash. Oh how I miss our electric toothbrushes here. Once you get used to them it is so lame to go back to the oldies.
We've totally made the switch too. I think the kids brush longer because it's funner which makes for cleaner teeth. We didn't have any cavities at the dentist this last month!
I'm sure Kaipo loves his Pirates tickle toothbrush. That has Kaipo written all over it!!
I left my electric at our old house for a few weeks and I realized how much I HATE the old school manual brushing! Cool mouthwash!
Cool, very cool. Way to go B and good for Ame'! A+ check up from here on out right!
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