We got together last night with my brother Jason's family & my sister Karli's family, for some present exchanges and some good Holiday cheer! My brother Jason and his family are going to Oregon for Christmas so we got to have an early Christmas with everyone (minus my brother, Aaron and his family-who we really missed, AND my parents of course).
Here's all the munchkins doing their VERY best picture posing!

This is what you get with mutliple parents taking pics-feet & other cameras in the way, and no eyes
on you while YOU are trying to get a picture. But they were good picture takers, anyway! (LeAnne and Karli must have been the place where the kids focus was)

Each of the kids got their turn on the LITTLE Christmas chair, to open THEIR present.
(youngest to oldest of course)
Ash got a beginners art/doodle set...just right for him

Kaipo got a Batman Chopper
(which as you can tell he LOVED)

And Ame got a
design your own flip flops/slippers set and
more art supplies
(which SHE can NEVER get enough of)

Thanks to our great friends the Robinson's for their gift in the mail,
which supplied great entertainment.
After presents, we had several roaring game of
DON'T EAT PETE...the kids had a blast with this one!

Thanks to
all our family for their love and generosity.
We are overflowing with gratitude!
LeAnne, thanks for the yummy dinner too!
Our Christmas Season just keeps getting more and more Merry & Bright!
I just had to throw this picture in there.
Have a seen a cuter reindeer than this one???
Our little Ashy boy is growing up WAY TOO FAST.