Her hula group performs all throughout the year. But besides the annual Luau, the rest are all small, no big deal ones, and mostly just for the experience. People/groups will hire the dance group to perform for a special event or something and then her teacher just emails us the info. and if you can make it great, if not no biggie. They usually have a good turn out though.
Just some of my thinking-it may bore you, so don't feel you need to read it. As a parent I am always concerned about what my kids are doing and how they are spending their time. I want them to be well rounded and have a variety of things to do, but not strung out to tight. Kaipo is still too young to be involved in anything really, at least until he turns 3. But Ame-hhhmmm, I want her to be musical and also have an interest in sports, not just dance. She really chose to drop out of tumbling and be in ballet instead, and WE really want her to stay in Hula. So how much is too much? I guess as she gets older and into school and has outside influences from friends, she will decide a lot of what she wants to do on her own. I guess it just feels like there is so much outside influence for kids to BE INVOLVED. I just have to tell myself she is ONLY 5 (almost) and don't push too many things, too fast.
Any food for thought from anyone maybe in a similar situation (if you have even made it to the end of my babbling)???