Friday, November 04, 2011
they got it right...
Posted by britt at 9:26 PM 0 comments
Can't believe it!!

We love you soo much Nalu. You love to talk, your vocabulary is growing rapidly and are learning new words every single day. You copy everything we say (so we have to be careful). You have such a cute personality and quite a sense of humor too. You are definitely developing independence and want to everything and anything. But you are becoming more stranger weary as well. For example at your 2 year check up today, you didn't want anything to do with your friendly Dr. who you have seen since you were born. He couldn't even look inside your ears without you having a meltdown?! One lucky thing your Dr. reminded us of and that he has been amazed by, is he has never seen you for anything other than a well-checkup. We have definitely been blessed in that regard. You are one healthy, happy boy! You have overcome your fear of nursery and will FINALLY stay on your own there. Baby steps I guess, right? You LOVE to play with your brothers, and are becoming especially close to Ash, since you two get to spends lots of time playing together during the day. You ask for Ame all the time, and definitely LOVE your big sister! You are adventurous just like your older brother Kaipo. We recently had to take the ladder off your brothers bunkbeds because you are such a monkey and climbed that ladder as fast as can be. But getting down wasn't quite as easy (or safe). You love to be outside, exploring, playing ball, swimming and just being a curious BOY!! You are quite a picky eater, but definitely have your small variety of foods you enjoy. A nutri grain bar every morning for breakfast, Cheese, pepperoni, gogurt, many kinds of fruits, SNACKS-crackers or goldfish, raisins, and the one meal we can always depend on of course is PIZZZZAAA! You love to drink water and are starting to take a liking to milk again, but only if it is sweetened with some nesquik. You are a wonderful sleeper, 11-12 hours/night and thankfully still take a nap. Nalu we love you to pieces. You light up each of our lives with your kisses, love you's and absolute sweetness. Your smile just makes momma's day when she walks in the door, after a long day away. YOU definitely complete our family Nalu boy!! But just one request...STOP growing up soo fast...please!!!
Posted by britt at 8:46 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 30, 2011
found 'em
Posted by britt at 8:41 PM 1 comments
MORE holiday fun
HE is definitely the hardest to take places these days!!

Other than nalu being a ROYAL pain,
Posted by britt at 6:31 PM 1 comments