Thursday was Field Day for the kids
and out of the whole week of semi-warmth
this was the only day it was down right COLD
(don't let the picture fool you-after I took it
I was sent back to the classroom to grab LOTS
of sweatshirts that they thought they didn't need).
Ash came with mom to help out and join in on the fun.
Kaipo showing Ash how to Pass the Water

Kaipo and his fun little Kinder friends
(she is the sister to Ame's best friend Layla).
Despite the cold the kids LOVED their shaved Ice.
especially since I know I won't be able to
be apart of many next year :(
joined them in a COLD picnic with the class.
Grateful we BOTH have the flexibility right now
to enjoy these simple and fun days with the kids.
Thankfully Ame and Kaipo are still at the age that they
BEG us to come and join in on their adventures.
I know their enthusiasm for our involvement
and having us around isn't going to last much longer,
so for now we will CHERISH these moments!!