Who would ever think a cutie like this could cause soo much frustration?

Well let his mom just tell you.
Since he turned one I have been trying to wean him from nursing. We are down to a feeding when he wakes up and before he goes to bed. Only because we are having a battle with M-I-L-K in a sippy cup! I have tried every idea I can come up with-mixing it with various flavors, also yogurt drinks, pediasure, several different kinds of cups and have had little success. He takes one or two swallows and then wants nothing more to do with it. He drinks water fine with a sippy. I am not so concerned with the nutritional aspect, because I offer a lot of cheese, yogurt, etc. I am hoping for the "comfort" and "convenience" of it all! This is so different than his siblings because they begged for more milk. I mean what am I suppose to do with Ash when he wakes up at 5 or 6 AM. Without the comfort of a drink of milk, how else am I suppose to get him to go back to sleep (and ME for that matter)? That is why I am still nursing. I am at a loss as to what to do. Quinn isn't all that concerned with it,
but that is because it doesn't really affect him all that much!
So HE doesn't have much in the way of suggestions.
If ANYONE has had a similar struggle and can offer some advice
PLEASE send it my way. I have got some advice online, and have
tried them (mentioned above).
With this Big Boy

Potty training is coming along, MOST days! We still have our occassional "accident". Even though I constantly ask if he needs to go, he still pees on the floor in front of the TV or playing with his toys, or just doens't quite make it to the toilet and its on the bathroom floor. So we are
getting there ! And mommy is trying really hard to "keep her cool" and gain some
more patience.
It does take a lot of patience with #2. He does it fine IN the toilet, but I just have not brought myself to let HIM do the wiping. Just the thought of CLEANLINESS makes it hard for ME to not take charge. I think boys are just WAY to curious. I wasn't concerned that AMe would PLAY, if you know what I mean. I know I don't want to be wiping his bum on the toilet forever, but for now... we will just take this one step at a time!