Working with the Young Women has its benefits, in so many ways. Spirituality aside-they keep me young, somewhat hip, and up to date on what is cool! A few months ago some of the girls were telling me about this 3-Barrell curling iron. I finally decided to buy one, mostly for MY little girl. Ame has such fine hair and it is hard to keep any curl in it, besides putting in sponge curler and they shrink her hair so much. I got the new curling iron b4 Halloween to try something new with her costume. She REALLY likes the wavy looks it gives her AND her hair stays long!
We decided to both go wavy for church today. This picture was taken later in the evening, so Ame's waves have died somewhat. I felt like I was taking a step back into the high school days, with my curls! I don't know how often I will take on this style (it was a bit time consuming), but it was fun to try!