While my mom was over our house Christmas morning, we were discussing how we spend sooo much time decorating, buying gifts, and preparing for this day, and then....it's over.
You just hope you have helped teach your children the real meaning behind the gift giving and why we celebrate this wonderful time of year. At least that was my wish for the holidays.
We have had so much fun spending time with friends and family. We were with Quinn's family on Sunday and Monday in Orem, which is always full of fun and excitement. We got to do some service with QUinn's mom and the siblings (and their families), for an elderly man, 89 years old, and his wife. We gave them a christmas program: QUinn sang acapella (beatifully I might add) 'O Come All ye Faithful', his sister played the violin, the kids sang, others read from Luke 2, and Frankie signed 'O Holy Night'.
It was nice to see this old couple so touched by it all.
I hope their Christmas was made a little brighter.
We made it back home literally "just before" the big storm hit, and spent a quiet relaxing Christmas Eve at our own home, making our own traditions. Grandma and Grandpa joined us the next morning for awhile, once they could shovel their way out of their house. Then later in the evening, Karli and Chris met us at mom and dad's for more presents and Christmas Dinner.
I was soo looking forward to a yummy turkey dinner and Mom, of course, outdid herself with an awesome meal, as she always does.
Here's a little glimpse into our Christmas Day.

Off to grandma's house.

Our big family gift, full of fun for all ages.

Grandma always gets the kids such great
well-rounded gifts

After opening presents, Ame kept commenting she didn't know where to start...
maybe that is a sign of too many gifts!?

she told grandma she would always be ready for learning since she now has her own little school desk...Ame loves to do school with grandma. She will miss that A LOT when they leave soon!

Santa got Kaipo the "perfect gift" for performing...his own keyboard and microphone.

Our little Ash was happy with what he got. Doesn't take much to make this guy smile!
We hope your Christmas was filled with as much fun, excitment and spirit as our was.