A few days ago we were in the kitchen. I was fixing Ame's necklace that got broken at school and Kaipo was playing with the stools. I told him, stop doing that...you are going to hurt yourself. I think I say that at least 20 times a day (and luckily he never gets hurt). Well today was a different story. He had put his feet inside the barstool and lost his balance, pulling the stool down on himself, as he crashed to the ground. Usually after his many falls he is just up and no big deal, but not this time. He was crying, as well as stuck under the stool. As I reached down to pull the stool off him and help him up, I saw blood all over his chin. As I held him and look closer, he had cut his chin pretty good, as well as his gums under his front teeth. First thing we did was tried to stop the bleeding, and all I could think was please don't have to go the Emergency Room (QUinn was in the middle of teaching class and I knew I couldn't get ahold of him)! After a while I realized it wasn't as bad as it initially seemed, so we just put some neosporin and a bandade.
Thank goodness it wasn't a serious one! I just know my days of being blessed without seeing the emergency room, will not always be as they were today!!
But for now, I am feeling rather lucky and so glad you are OK, my Kaipo!

And this picture capture 2 things about our little guy, Ash.
One: you can't see all that well, but he (as well as the rest of us) has had a runny nose for a good week now. He is getting more teeth, so that may be it for him, but some of the us have had sore throats, head colds and all the fun that comes with the changing season! I am so looking forward to winter, for that very reason! hahaha
Two: this is what we hear from him, A LOT! Since he still isn't talking much, this is the expression that comes with the yelling and sqealing for anything and eveything he wants (or gets taken away). I try and try to reinforce using words all the time, we watch
signing time just about everyday AND the kids and I reinforce signs for everything. We have made a
little progress-he signs dog, more, all done, blows kisses, waves bye, says dad (not mom). It is so interesting how different each child develops and it soo hard NOT to compare.
No matter what...I LOVE his cuddles and the sweetness about my little boy!