This post is two fold.
One, to tell about the fun water party
the Kindergartners had,
and two, as a means of procrastinating having to pack.
Usually I am soo on the ball and start getting
organized with packing far in advance,
but I just can't bring myself to get motivated.
Luckily I only have half the job this time,
because a good amount of out stuff has remained
packed (knowing this was a temporary move).
So I will just blog, instead of pack, at least for these few minutes :)
There were several water games/activities that each group rotated to. I was incharge of Water Gun Painting (I wish I could claim it, but was not my idea), which was great fun. Each kid got to color their picture using 10 squirts of 3 paint filled guns. They surprising followed the rules well, and didn't paint each other.Although AMe thought it was funny to paint her mom, while I took pictures
Hey, the water party looks fun and I must say someone was BRAVE to try "paint water guns" with 5 year olds!! But I didn't see too many kids with painted clothes or legs. Hope you can find the courage to tackle the packing. Just getting started is often the WORST part!Look at all the fun we are missing!
Look at this this way...the sooner you pack the faster you can get into the house and stay there for a REALLY LONG TIME!!! Good Luck do you need anything?
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