On the 26th he was officially 18 months.
We had a doctor's visit on Monday,
and can I just say how great our doctor is!!
(Karli and LeAnne also have him as a pediatrician)
He is so personable, easy going, informative, and loving to the children.
Here is some info. to document about out not soo little boy:
weight: 23 lbs=25th%
height:32 in=60th%
he is not as big percentile wise as his older siblings were at his age,
but he is healthy and growing and that is what matters!
His vocabulary is slowly growing and includes:
uh-oh, dad, hi, up, uh-uh (no), he tries Ame too
AND he signs several other words:
dog, eat, more, all done
Ash loves to blow kisses, play patty cake,
and point to his body parts.
HE definitely melts MY heart!
I can't believe it has been 18 months since we were holding baby Ash at McKay Dee hospital. Wow, alot of water under that bridge. Ash was the most darling baby from the beginning and is only getting cuter and bigger eyes as the days roll by. We love you little Ash and hope you don't forget us.
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