Monday, July 21, 2008

The Annual Luau

Saturday was a BIG day for Ame and her Hula group.

They have a annual performance every year, in July, and they worked so hard to be ready for this day. We were soo glad our good friends, The Robinson's could come and support Ame, as well as Quinn's mom Frankie and her husband, Jeff. We so appreciated them coming and hope they enjoyed some great authentic food and entertainment.

Ame's age group got all new costumes this year.

This is her Tahitian costume...

and the beautiful performance

Here's her Hula costume
Aren't they so authentic looking?!

I was asked to be in charge of the raffle. I said sure, not realizing the committment I was getting into. With selling tickets before the show, then having to draw tickets & pass out prizes all through-out the show, while trying to helping Ame and other girls dress back stage, attempting to get some pics, chasing the 2 boys around AND sit periodically to ENJOY the I was tired! Yes, Quinn was there, but he was filming. And there isn't a lot of multi-tasking when that is going on.
I finally got to eat my GOOD food when we got home about 10:30.
But at those few moments while Ame was performing,
it was all worth it and I was such a proud mom!!

For such a LONG night, Ash was such a GOOD boy and full of smiles!

Kaipo got to join some volunteers on stage, to shake HIS okole'.
He was so darn cute, and was not the least bit shy about showing his stuff!

Here's his LIVE performance

I am so glad Ame has learned this unique and cultural form of dance.
I just hope she WANTS to continue for years and years!
We plan to start Kaipo in a few years, when he is old enough to join the boys.
The group ranges from 3yrs (girls), 6 years (boys), to adults. I have wanted to start taking lessons myself, but unfortunately it just hasn't ever fit into our busy life schedule.
Hopefully some day in the near future it will!!


Chris Grover said...

oooh, tell me if you ever decide to take lessons because i will definitely join you! that would be really fun! what a CUTE girl in such beautiful costumes! ame did such a great job, shaking her little tahitian tushi! i'm sad we couldn't make it -- hopefully next year! what a great thing for her to get to experience!

Allan and Diane said...

Is it just our imagination or was Ame "star of the show" once again. I can't tell you how many times we have played those video clips and been totally entertained. The costumes were great. What a wonderful way to keep your kids culture alive. Thanks for the good pics-we love to see the kids and what is happening.

Unknown said...

It was so fun to go- Cooper loved watching those boys!

tamster17 said...

It's been fun to get a glimpse into your life and what you are up to! We lose touch with so many people over the course of our lives -- this bloggin' thing is great for catching up with people! Your daughter's dance concert was so neat to see -- I loved it! Too cute! Looks like she really enjoys doing it too! Makes me what to plan another trip to hawaii . . . :-)

ohana=)mama said...

Ame is so so so good at that I can not belive how good she is! I just had to keep watching the clip over and over again in disbelief! Wow!

And watching Kaipo just made me laugh for a two minutes strait! I think he will be the next rising star = )