Sunday, January 07, 2007

OH Kaipo!

It feels like a lot of our blogs lately have been about our little boy, who continues to keep us busy! Well here is another story to just prove how much FUN he really is.

As I mentioned previously we spent the night in Provo, Saturday. We stayed at Quinn's mom's house. Of course the kids went to bed late after being wound up from having lots of fun AND on a sugar high. I thought that would be maybe mean they would sleep in a little, but Kaipo's 6:00 bell rang and he jumped out of the porta-crib to find the early morning party (as usual). We had decided we wanted to go to our old ward in Orem, which come to find out didn't start until 1:00pm. Not the greatest time for early risers. So after an extra LONG morning of chasing Kaipo around grandma's house, trying to keep him out of the sinks, stopping him from completely dumping out all of the salt and pepper shakers, and just everything else possible a little 2 year old can get into-we headed to church and fortunately had a nice meeting (while Kaipo slept) & had fun visiting with old friends. But, needless to say we were all tired and still had another party to attend- Jimmy's(our nephew and cousin) one year birthday. Everyone was just sitting around eating, talking and the kids were all just playing, BUT I eventually realized there was no sign of Kaipo. I went searching and saw the bathroom light on, the door shut and heard the water running. NOT a good sign! I opened the door and there he was sitting on the counter, lathering up his hands with soap, soaking wet and the sink was filled TO THE RIM with water. Another minute or so and we would have had a much bigger mess to clean up.

At times the thought crosses my mind: I sure hope our next little guy is really mellow and layed back, but then the poor boy would just get run over by his two older siblings. Now that isn't really a fair wish for him, is it!?


Chris Grover said...

Oh, I didn't know you were in Provo -- you should have called us. We would have liked to have seen the kids. Oh well, maybe next time!

Unknown said...

Things can happen in a split second when you take your eyes off those little boys- It is a crazy ride:)