Monday, January 08, 2007

1. I LOVE to cook, bake and try new recipes.

2. I am always looking for ways to make food “low-fat” & healthy, but still taste yummy.

3. I have a major “sweet tooth” and love chocolate desserts.

4. I really like to bargain shop and am soo proud when I find a good deal.

5. I feel major stress when my life and everything associated with it is not organized.

6. I hate being late or when other people are late (unfortunately my husband doesn’t have the same conviction).

7. I need to slow down and spend more time just thinking.

8. As a good friend shared with me, I don’t want to blink and life be over.

9. I have learned a lot about myself from being a wife and a mother, but still have soo much more to learn.

10. I definitely need to develop more patience.

11. I don’t take criticism well, even when it is from someone who loves me (I am working on it though, honey).

12. I hate to inconvenience anyone & never want someone to feel I am taking advantage of them.

13. I NEED to have close relationships and am sad when I feel like I have been forgotten.

14. I often feel very alone and left out.

15. I am an emotional personal & cry easily, I think I definitely inherited that from my mom.

16. I love being pregnant (most of the time), delivery and the whole process.

17. I think baby feet are soo precious.

18. I hope I always keep a close relationship with my children.

19. I hope my kids are best friends, now and throughout their lives.

20. Watching my children having fun and laughing makes me feel happy.

21. I wish I was more artistic.

22. I tend to be too serious and need to learn to laugh more.

23. I really wish I would have continued playing the piano, so I could teach my kids.

24. I soo wish I could sing. Hopefully my kids will inherit that gift from their dad.

25. I love to watch those cheesy dance movies, i.e. Save the last Dance, Honey, etc. mostly because I love dancing & wish I would have pursued that skill. It would be so fun to teach it.

26. I want my children to have so much more talent than I do.

27. I get jealous so easily of others abilities and talents.

28. I am often too scared and too self-conscious to explore my talents or try something new.

29. I love hearing songs from the past that bring back memories.

30. I wish I was more outgoing. I think I used to be, in my younger days.

31. I love to exercise. It helps me feel good about myself and relieve stress.

32. I got a new elliptical machine for Christmas. Its great!

33. I wish I did more things outdoors.

34. I feel lazy a lot.

35. I wish I was as passionate about something as my husband is.

36. A clean house makes me feel soo good (even though it doesn’t last long).

37. I played the flute for 7 years, and what is to show for it now? Blame it on mom and dad they sold my flute. I’m sure I’d still be playing it if I had it.

38. I hope I have a child who inherits my blue eyes.

39. I would love to live in Hawaii again and have my children grow up rich in culture.

40. I love to put on my PJ’s. It makes me feel soo relaxed.

41. There is nothing like the feeling after both of my kids have just gone to bed. AAHHH

42. I hate the spider veins on my legs. They seem to get worse with every pregnancy.

43. I envy my family members who have a natural tan year around.

44. I love the summer and find laying in the sun so relaxing.

45. There is nothing better in the summer than homemade ice cream

46. The snow is beautiful from inside, but I don’t really love it too much otherwise.

47. I think rain storms are beautiful. The smell after one is just so distinct.

48. I miss being able to walk across the street to the beach with my daughter.

49. I wish the world was filled with the Spirit of Aloha

50. I love Palm Trees and all that they remind me of.

51. My religion is the foundation for who I am, it guides me and I cherish it.

52. I love breakfast food for any meal.

53. There is nothing better than my mom’s homemade food.

54. I appreciate ethnic food and like trying new things.

55. I hate to be cold, especially my feet.

56. My favorite color use to be blue, now it is red.

57. I love and appreciate that my daughter has become such a good helper.

58. I am fascinated and amazed at how much my children learn, grow and change everyday.

59. I miss my 6th grade class from last year.

60. Some days I think it is easier to go to work than stay home.
61. I am VERY appreciative my husband works 3 jobs, so I can stay home with our children.

62. I admire my husband’s ambition.

63. I wish I didn’t just accept being average, but that I had the drive to be outstanding at more things in my life.

64. I love to people-watch. It is soo fascinating.

65. I appreciate a good nights’ sleep. They won’t last much longer.

66. I really like to do crafts, even though I am not very good at it or creative.

67. I wish life could just slow down and not be so fast pace. That is one thing I really miss about living in Hawaii.

68. It’s disappointing to me that I have lost contact with people that I was once close to.

69. I am sad my mission has become such a distant memory.

70. I hope my husband and I can serve a mission someday together.

71. I would love to be able to visit other countries and cultures.

72. Although I’ve moved a lot, I’m grateful for the places I’ve been, the people I’ve met and what I’ve learned from them. I would never want to change what we have done.

73. I look forward to living somewhere for more than a year.

74. I don’t take one very often, but there’s nothing like jumping in bed for a nap.

75. I really dislike cleaning the bathtub/shower.

76. I love the feeling of a clean car, inside and out!

77. I appreciate more & more everyday the upbringing I was fortunate to have.

78. I don’t like the color pink for myself, but do for my daughter.

79. I am thinner now than when I was in high school.

80. I wish I was still a natural blonde.

81. I have never broken a bone.

82. I am very impatient once I have an idea in my mind.

83. I love wearing hats, it’s so much easier.

84. I think it is fun to get really dressed up, I wish there was more occasion to do so.

85. I definitely prefer slippers/flip flops over shoes and socks.

86. I would rather be hot than cold.

87. I hope to be as successful as my parents.

88. My fear is that my husband or kids die first.

89. I love the beauty and gesture of a flower lei.

90. I pop my knuckles and have done it since I can remember. I wish I could stop!

91. I love summer nights-warm, long and peaceful.

92. A professional massage is the best thing in the world-thanks to my sister-in-law.

93. I’ve never had a pedicure.

94. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t soo cheap.

95. I love to eat out, but not so much with kids.

96. I never went on a real honeymoon.

97. Ever since I have been married we have been a one car family.

98. I love when my kids wake up in the morning and just want to cuddle.

99. I’m striving to be more loving and affectionate, in word and action.

100. I feel eternally blessed for my family.


Anonymous said...

Good 100! I have known you forever but learned a lot of new things today:)

Jamie and Family said...

Fun to read Britt! 100 things sounds like a lot, but i enjoyed reading all of them!


Chris Grover said...

Great list, Britt. I love that I know so much about you already, but still have a lot to learn! You're a great sister and I love you!

Eliza2006 said...

I LOVE to bargain shop too. We should go shopping sometime!!!


Anonymous said...

Well, if you are looking for a relaxing time then i suggest go and getting your hair, hands, and feet done. It is the best experience you will ever have! I love it! I am supprised you used to be a teacher. You are such a great person to look up to!