I don't take pictures with my phone camera very often because it doesn't take very good pictures, but sometimes when I have forgotten my camera (as I seem to do A LOT these days, with an extra child in toe) it is nice to be able to snap a few shots and HOPE that they turn out. So I was pulling the pics off my phone and found these ones from way back in October, when Ame's school had a carnival. SO I thought I would add them to the blog, just for the fun of it. There was face painting...
music and dancing, games...
and even rock climbing

And here is an added random picture of Ash from the electric park. There is a new Jr. High next to our development, that was just finished at the end of the summer. There are tennis & basketball courts, as well as a little park. It is a really different one though, with all sorts of electric activities and these spinning cups (that Ash is sitting in). The kids make themselves sick, spinning each other super fast in these things. But it is all in fun!

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