Monday, April 12, 2010


Yesterday Kekoa and I were talking and
playing with Nalu, when Koa said something
like "You know Nalu has a tooth, right?"
Um, no?!! What a lame mom am I???
So I took and peek and sure enough...
(I tried and tried to get a picture of it,
but was not very successful).
After doing some researching about the
other kids and when they got their
first tooth, I realized why I was
so shocked that Nalu already had one.
Unfortunately I never documented
when Ame got her first tooth (weird I know),
but Kaipo wasn't until 10 months
and Ash was at 7 1/2 mo.
So I was not even expecting one of those
little things to pop through already.
Now that I know it explains some
slight changes in his behavior, but for
the most Nalu he has taken this first
one like a champ!!
And here's just some other shots
just because he so darn cute!!


Cami said...

What a cutie! Love those big eyes!

Allan and Diane said...

Just when I thought that little boy could NOT get any CUTER....I'm surprised you haven't FELT that tooth! He is way to young and growing up way tooooooo fast.

Jamie and Family said...

That is so funny! He is very sweet!

Jodi Orgill Brown said...

Such darling pictures! You are so good to document everything with photos. I need to learn from you! Hooray for the first tooth, albeit a surprise!

Looks like life continues to move right along, keeping all of you busy and happy!

It was sooo good to see you on my birthday. We need another excuse to get together. How about we have an Unbirthday celebration! :)

Love you!