Thursday, April 29, 2010

Spanish anyone???

We just found out that Ame and Kaipo get to join the Spanish Immersion Program at their school next year. Kaipo will join as a Kindergartner (the ideal time to start) and Ame will join as a 2nd grader, since their is now an opening. We tried to get her in the program at the beginning of the year when we enrolled her in her new school, but there were no openings. I am excited for the challenge it will give Ame, as she gets to "catch-up" with the other 2nd graders, and I think it is even more exciting that Ame and Kaipo get to start at the same time. It will be so fun to see them LEARN TO SPEAK spanish together. Good thing they have a dad who is pretty fluent and can help them out a ton! I am excited to freshen up what I once knew, and learn with them too!


Unknown said...

It has been great having Coop in ESL this year.

Cyndi said...

We have loved having Skylar in Spanish. It has really given her that extra push to learn something new...and totally useful! That's awesome Kaipo gets to do it from kindy on!

Bob and Becky said...

Felicidades(congratulations) a Ame y Kaipo. We are happy we will have someone we can talk with when we come for a visit.
Con Amor (with love)

Jamie and Family said...

That's really cool!