We tried to keep this years gifts a little more simple.
The kids still got a lot of their wishes,
we were just lucky none of their requests were super expensive.
Good thing cuz we could not have afforded it this year!
It is so fun to watch each one open their gifts.
Each time Ash squealed with excitement!!
And Kaipo is always full of excitment about pretty much
but she really wanted those presents :)
Nothing like a sucker BRIGHT AND EARLY!!
Ame got a beautiful INDIA Barbie, among all her other stuff!
He is obsessed with playing bowling on
Daddy's IPhone, so this is a nice distraction.
I don't know which BOY in this picture likes it better...
Our boys are lucky their dad still likes TOYS!!
grandma and grandpa gave them.
Don't those boys look like little PRINCES
in their dress-ups? And Ame's clothes are so cute,
she can actually wear hers out of the house.
Grandma brought home lots more clothes so the
Grandma brought home lots more clothes so the
kids can play dress-up when they visit her house.
as a family, and were even more excited when
gma and gpa showed up. They gave us all
such unique and beautiful gifts from India.
We enjoyed just being together, eating our
yummy GIANT cinnamon rolls and hot cocoa,
and reflecting on our many blessings,
through which our Savior has so generously given.
I am so thankful for the many reminders from
my incredible son Kaipo, that this season is not really
about presents and decorations, but about Jesus!!
We really enjoyed having Christmas morning with you and YES the kiddo's were bursting with excitement. It was so fun having our first Christmas a.m. together. We were all blown away with Kaipos anouncement about what Christmas is really all about!!
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