Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving Recap

It has taken me a few days to get caught up after taking out first official outing, with 4 kids. First we went up to Logan on Wednesday evening to celebrate our cousin/nephew Jake's Bday. My sis, Karli and her family joined us too. It is always fun for us all to get to spend time with Jason, LeAnne and their family. They are such great hosts! The kids have a blast and us adults enjoy our time to just talk and hang out.
Then Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, we made our way to Utah county. First, to have dinner with Quinn's mom. Of couse she cooked up a grand, delicious meal. We enjoyed time just talking and relaxing, and she is always good about having us share OUR FEELINGS (as much as all the siblings hate it). We each got to express what we are grateful for-Mine was that I have a wonderful husband that ALWAYS provides for our family! Then we spent time with QUinn's Dad, some of Quinn's cousins and most of the siblings. Once again another feast to enjoy. SO yes, we got to have 2 dinners and get royaly stuffed!! What great memories and fun times we were able to have with those we love. (we just missed gma and gpa Asplund-but not long until we get to spend much awaited time with them :) Here's the kids in their homemade headdresses-Ame had to make sure the others knew SHE was the chief because SHE had the most feathers! And Ash felt left out that Ame and Kaipo had a hat and he didn't, we took Ame's turkey and made it into a hat for him :)
I unfortunately didn't take any pictures, except for these ones of Nalu, with his cousin Amaya. She was just born on the 20th. I wanted to get a few shots of these two together, and didn't think they would struggle as much as they did. It was quite funny. They are already irritated with each other, and pushing each other around, at such a young age...hahaha

Grandma Asplund asked for us not to
let Nalu get any bigger, not that we can
control that (other than not feed him).
Sorry Grandma, he IS getting bigger
too fast. Already growing out of his
NEWBORN clothes :(
Despite a lack of pictures from our festivites,
we did have a nice, relaxing thanksgiving.
And I feel full of gratitude and am excited
to enjoy the continued Holiday Season-with
SOO much to enjoy and look forward to!!


Allan and Diane said...

We're glad you had such a nice Thanksgiving and you didn't have to do anything but eat (and chase 4 kids). Looks like everyone had fun--the kids are so cute in their hats (can see the Ash attitude). Nalu and his cousin are darling--duking it out already! He IS growing too much!!

Unknown said...

Cannon is already in size 2 diapers. I wish I could shrink wrap him or something!

Jodi Orgill Brown said...

Sounds like an adventurous, but fun holiday! I love to see your pictures...I just wish YOU were in more of them! :) I love you, Britt. I am so thankful for YOU!

Cyndi said...

Someday we will meet that beautiful sweet Nalu! Hopefully while he's little still! Those pictures with Amaya are too cute!!