Sunday, March 15, 2009

Her VERY own

Ame has been quite the $$ hagler. She has sold some old toys and has just saved money given to her by the toothfairy, allowance, and gift money. One of the things she sold was her old LITTLE bike. She thought she was too grown up for the princess bike, plus it was a smaller bike. And now she has a new bike that she bought all on her own. She was very excited and quite proud! The bike happen to have a sticker on it that said Amethyst (I guess cuz it was purple). Right away she recognized HER name in that word, so we carefully peeled off the extra letters, and now her bike is even personalized just for AME.


Allan and Diane said...

Now I am impressed with this girl's entrepreneurship. She has done some resourceful planning and thinking to get her new bike. Way to go girl---ride away on the
AME MOBILE !! We love you

Debbie said...

that is awesome! way to go ame!

Asplund Family said...

Way to go Ame! My boys could learn a few things from you!

tamster17 said...

So fun to see them learn things like that & when they are so young! Cool that she has a personalized bike now too! :-) Not everyone gets one of those!