Saturday, January 08, 2011

Winter Entertainment

Since the kids got a tramp for Christmas,
what else do we do with it for the next several months...
so we set it up in the basement.
Yes Ame and Kaipo have to watch their
heads a bit, but our ceilings are 9ft. down there so they have
a little room to jump and entertain themselves.
Nalu even got in on the action...


January 7, 2011

was the official day that Nalu took his first real steps. He was 14 months just a few days ago. Nalu has been walking along the kitchen table bench, couches and anything that would give him just the slightest bit of support, for quite some time now. We just knew anyday now he would take his first steps. Quinn swears he has been the one to teach all the kids to walk, but I don't agree with him on that one. Ame for sure because I was working at the time, but the others are a bit of a blur. Of course Nalu still crawls most of the time, but with encouragement (and some reminding) he is walking more and more. Hurray (I think), he is FiNaLlY doing it!!

(hopefully we will get some better video because the ones we took last night are awfully dark)

Also, he has gotten his teeth really randomly and in a strange order. He has had 4 teeth on top and 4 on bottom for quite a while now. I just noticed this past week that we has a molar already in. NO eye teeth, so just a big space and then this molar in the back. Interesting!! But he is just soo darn cute, who cares what craziness is going on in his mouth. They will all come in eventually, right!? And it won't matter in what order or how weird it may have looked for a time!

Thursday, January 06, 2011

playin' a little hookey

Our Joyschool group planned a fieldtrip to
Discovery Gateway
today, and because we got such a great discount with our
group I let Ame and Kaipo play hookey from
school and come along with us!
We have never been there,
and we were all thoroughly impressed!
There was soo many fun, creative
things to do. It was well worth the
drive downtown, and missing a little school.
These balls provide some great fun
through tunnels, shoots and all sorts of mazes.
It was hard to get a clear picture out of
these excited, energetic, active kids.

Kaipo playing some music

there was this life size horse
that I found Ame riding SEVERAL times!
She definitely has a LOVE for horses.
I hope one day she can take some riding lessons.

thank goodness the horse was well fed by Kaipo.

I caught them for a second, and forced a picture.

these pipes were really cool too.
they could be arranged and rearranged, forming
tunnels and paths for more ball fun.
outside there was a REAL helicopter for the
kids to sit in and pretend to fly, although we did
NOT spend much time there because it was just sooo
darn cold outdoors!
Ash with some of his Joyschool buddies.

We had a grand time, but the fun had to come to an end
so I could get Ame back to school in the afternoon.
Definitely a place we would love to visit again!