Saturday, October 15, 2011

B-Ball Girl

Ame is playing her first year of Jr. Jazz Basketball.

This is the second week (I forgot my camera last week).

The first game was a bit overwhelming, being her first

REAL experience playing an actual game, but she

still did great. This week was quite an improvement!

The team is having their last minute pre-game huddle.

I know this picture is blurry, but I had to include it.

This was the first shot of the game...

and AME made it!!

She made 2 more baskets during the game.

The last one, just seconds before the end

of game buzzer. They didn't win, but played


Of course, we are all there CHEERING her

on (but also running wild, screaming

because we don't want to sit still but instead

run on the court, and just

driving mom and dad crazy)

Ash has little lamb (their class pet)

visiting our family this weekend, so he

HAD to come to the game!

Ame is quite the hussler. She takes

the ball down the court well, gets right

under basket with no fear to shoot.

She is learning how to play offense
and make herself open to make a shot
or help out a teammate.

We couldn't be more proud of her.

This is her first TEAM sport, and

we are finding out that she is quite the athlete.

I think we are going to have some

ball players in this house????

(Kaipo starts next month)


Diane and Allan said...

Yea Ame...we knew you would be good at anything you tried. Looks like basketball may be one of your naturals!! Like mother-like daughter!

Chris Grover said...

this makes aunt karli VERY proud! what a girl! she must be so good at bball with those long arms and legs! i hope she is loving this and learning a lot! cute girl!