Tuesday, June 01, 2010

New Discovery

I visited a specialty store today and
here are a few things I added to my pantry today.
Nothing really out of the ordinary,
EXCEPT that it is Gluten Free.
Yes, this is a NEW discovery we have recently
had. QUinn went in for a physical and
some blood work several weeks ago and we
just received a call from the Dr. last week
informing us that QUinn has Celiac Disease,
which is an allergy to GLuten.
My first reaction hasn't been real
positive and I am still VERY overwhelmed
by it all. I mean really???
Gluten is in EVERYTHING!!!
I did come across a GLuten Free Store
but I am going to have to get a part time
job just to afford buying anything there.I KNOW things could be soo much worse,
and in the grand scope of things we are very
lucky this is all that was discovered.
I am trying to be positive about it and
do lots of research, and find ways to make this
fit more comfortably into our family
lifestyle. I just feel the weight of all of this
is on ME and that Quinn is only going to
kind of make changes if I provide a means
to do it. So if any of you have insight, encouragement,
information or contacts that can help me DEAL,
I would greatly appreciate it!


Allan and Diane said...

GOOD LUCK is all I can say and maybe everyone will become more healthy eaters.......BY YOUR LABORS!

Chris Grover said...

Chris talked to the girl he works with and she gave him this website: She said she had some more info that she will get to us and we'll pass it on. Hopefully you find some things that help so that life isn't so difficult (or expensive).

Mary said...

Wow Britters,
That is some news! I am so sorry you have to go through such a huge change! I can't imagine a gluten free kitchen, but I can empathize, somewhat. I have two kids with milk allergies, one with a peanut allergy and one with allergies to all nuts... severely so. So, I totally get reading every stinking label and feeling like a short order cook. I feel you!! ☺

Jodi Orgill Brown said...

Oh, not fun for you guys! I am sorry that you are having to learn a whole new way of cooking, but I am glad the docs were able to find out that Quinn's issues can be fixed with "simple" changes. Good luck!! Love you.

Cyndi said...

Oh wow, I know that's hard. Do you remember our friends the Johns from a long time ago? Devan found out he had Celiac disease and had to completely change his career over it. If you have any questions, I could ask Jarrie about how she made the whole transition. Let me know! Good luck Quinn...and mostly Brittany!!