Friday, May 28, 2010

VERY cool

For the past several months Ame's class has been learning about
The Rainforest
Then they turned their classroom into an Rainforest.
with all kinds of art work, and other creative & unique stuff
and then they became TOUR GUIDES
This past week family and friends (and all the other
classes at school) got to enter the RAINFOREST.
Kaipo and I went over one day (and then dad & Ash went
another day, but no pics from their visit).
We got to look at snake skin through the microscope,
learn & see so many cool things
all from the BEST tour guide ever!
They have each been keeping a rainforest journal,
which they wrote in daily as if they were IN the rainforest
and the experiences they were having there.
Ame has been doing extra research at home on the
computer, and has just had soo much fun learning
and discovering all she can about the rainforest.
We had so much fun visiting too!
What a creative and neat experience for those first graders!!
I am grateful for her teacher that provided such a fun
learning opportunity.


Bob and Becky said...

Your children are so lucky that they have parents that can be involved in their education. You are the best! Enjoy every minute....they grow up way to fast!

Allan and Diane said...

We were WAY impressed with the whole classroom and agree that it must have been a rich learning experience. We had the best, smartest and cutest tour guide.